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📈 Using your Analytics Dashboard

Understand what information we collect and how you can use it

In short: The Analytics Dashboard allows you to see how many CivicBell residents in your district have seen and engaged with your posts. It will also allow you to see an anonymized demographic breakdown of those who viewed and engaged. We utilize a mix of voluntarily-reported demographics and, where available, estimated statistics based on the most recent census and voter registration datasets.

The power of CivicBell’s analytics

  • CivicBell has a robust database of public census and voter registration data to provide government officials an in-depth understanding of their constituency.
  • Additionally, residents may self-report statistics including Highest Education Degree, Employment Status, Race, Marital Status, Political Orientation, and Religion. This data assists government officials in understanding the anonymized breakdown of who engages with your posts.
  • As residents engage on CivicBell posts, the post analytics will reflect who is getting involved and who is not. This data helps government officials parse what sentiment trends exist within involved residents.
    • 💡
      Remember: Only verified residents may engage on posts. This ensures that all post analytics accurately represent real constituents of your district and their sentiment.

Discover your post analytics

  • Navigate to your “Dashboard”.
  • Find the post you want to view analytics for, and select “Analytics”.
    • Here you will find in-depth information on who has viewed and engaged with your post, including graphs to visualize demographic trends within respondent data.
  • REMEMBER: These analytics will both help you see which portions of your constituency are seeing your posts and engaging AND which populations are not seeing it and not engaging.

Understanding your post analytics

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  1. This Summary Box gives you a quick overview of how many residents viewed your post (i.e. looked at your post for more than 2 seconds), how many residents commented on it, and (if applicable) how many residents answered the survey.
  1. The Pie Chart quickly summarizes (if applicable) your survey. If you didn’t run a survey, this field will not appear on your Analytics Dashboard.
  1. Here you’ll find your detailed analysis, split to views, comments, and surveys:
  1. Use “View” to explore the analytics data in-depth.
      • Utilize post analytics data to formulate data-driven decisions.
        • For example: a post introducing a new proposed policy could be more popular with older residents than younger residents. This may inform you that to reach a younger demographic, the policy may need adjustment.
  1. (Currently under development) Our smart algorithm will summarize the most discussed topics for you in an easy-to-digest bullet list.
Additional information:
  • Only “Open”, “Closed”, or “Outcome” posts have analytics, because only those posts are publicly viewable.
  • Info posts will always remain “Open” and hence analytics will continue to update.
  • Survey posts and discussion posts may only be engaged with while “Open”, and hence the analytics will only reflect residents who engaged while the post was open.