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Register an account

How to register and verify your identity

The Registration Process

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to or download CivicBell from the App Store or Google Play Store. Click on “Sign up” to register a new account. The platform is mobile browser optimized, so you can also use your smartphone’s web browser to use the platform with full functionality.
  1. Enter your email and create a strong password. This will be the email address you will use to log in.
Notion image
  1. Set up your profile with your birthday, phone number, and address.
    1. 💡
      Why do we need all this information?
      Notion image
  1. Enter the verification code: We will have sent you a 7-digit verification code to your phone number.
  1. Verify your name: Verify that the name associated with your phone number and address is correct.

💨 You’re all set and ready to engage on CivicBell! If you have any issues along the way, please reach out via